Prime the spray bottle by spraying the solution into the sink. This should remove air from the tube, reducing the risk of dripping. Once the bottle is primed, you should see a fine mist start to form. Let us know if you have any issues here.
It is best to rinse out your sprayer head after each use. When you are finished using the sprayer, simply fill a glass with water and set your sprayer tube inside while pulling the trigger. This only takes a few pumps to flush the sublimation spray fluid out of the head. Once finished, pull the sprayer out of the water and finish spraying the rest of the water out. You can now place the sprayer back in the bottle.
If your sprayer is jammed soak the head in nearly boiling water for 5 minutes. After soaking proceed to spray the hot water through the sprayer until you see a fine mist. Essentially, if the sprayer is not rinsed out between uses you risk build up of fluid to dry inside the sprayer head. This can cause the stream to be more fine which will ruin your shirt. It is always best to test the sprayer before use.
Tempature: 375F
Time: 45 Seconds